Asbestos and Lead Testing Services
Gold Health and Safety Consulting has staff that are appropriately certified by the State of California to perform both asbestos and lead-based paint testing services.
Our experienced staff can provide surveys, inspections, and consulting for asbestos and lead-based paint issues. We service residential, commercial, and institutional clients.
Asbestos Services:
- Commercial, Institutional, and Residential Asbestos Surveys
- AHERA Inspections and 6-Month Surveillance
- Air Sampling for Post-Abatement Clearance
- Asbestos Contamination Investigations
- Asbestos Remediation Project Design
- Asbestos Awareness Training
Lead Services:
- Commercial, Institutional, and Residential Lead Based Paint Surveys
- Lead Paint Testing Via XRF Meter and Paint Chip Analysis
- Lead Hazard/Risk Investigations
- Lead Air Sampling
- Lead Abatement Project Design and Plans for Cal-OSHA Compliance
- Clearance Samples Via Dust Wipes