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Are Mold Toxins “Fake News?”

Why is there to this day still a fuss about “toxic mold,” despite science indicating it’s not a real issue?  Recently, I’ve had several calls asking me if I can test for mold toxins.  On top of that, a recent client of mine insisted that her house was filled with...

Wildfire Smoke Secondary Damage and Health

Secondary Wildfire Smoke – The Toll On People and Property The recent Camp Fire and Woolsey Fire are among the most destructive and deadly wildfires in California history, with nearly 250,000 acres burned, thousands of structures destroyed, and over 90 lives...

The Smell of Vomit

The recent concerns and complaints over the natural gas storage well leak in the Porter Ranch area of Los Angeles has been a big news story. However, most if not all of the symptoms that people reported don’t match the known symptoms of exposure to the chemicals...