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The Smell of Vomit

The recent concerns and complaints over the natural gas storage well leak in the Porter Ranch area of Los Angeles has been a big news story. However, most if not all of the symptoms that people reported don’t match the known symptoms of exposure to the chemicals...

Get the Lead Out! – Part 2

Lead Crimes In my last article, I talked about lead hazards including some of the health effects from lead overexposure.  In this issue, I’ll discuss the “crime;” that is, some notable recent legal happenings in the world of environmental lead. EPA Enforcement...

Get the Lead Out!

Part 1 – Let’s Keep Our Children Safe! Lead and Human Health Lead’s toxic effects have been known for over 2000 years; it’s one of the most pervasive and well-studied occupational and environmental toxins. Lead exposure can cause central...

Whole Lot o’ Shaking Going On

Recent Earthquakes near LA and Southern California LA and Southern California has recently had: (magnitude 1.5 or greater) 7 earthquakes in one day 67 earthquakes in the previous week 429 earthquakes in the previous month 3,125 earthquakes last year Unless you’ve been...