Moldy Times

Get the Lead Out!

Part 1 – Let’s Keep Our Children Safe! Lead and Human Health Lead’s toxic effects have been known for over 2000 years; it’s one of the most pervasive and well-studied occupational and environmental toxins. Lead exposure can cause central nervous system problems, as well as problems in the digestive, cardiovascular, and reproductive systems. And those are just a few effects. As one of the oldest known poisons, lead affects the brain in a dizzying number of ways. A few...
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Whole Lot o’ Shaking Going On

Recent Earthquakes near LA and Southern California LA and Southern California has recently had: (magnitude 1.5 or greater) 7 earthquakes in one day 67 earthquakes in the previous week 429 earthquakes in the previous month 3,125 earthquakes last year Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock (hopefully not a damaged one), you know that in the past few weeks, we’ve had some small earthquakes shaking going on in the L.A. basin. It’s a not-so-subtle reminder that we live in earthquake country....
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Avoid This Mold Blarney….

We celebrate Irish Heritage with St. Patrick’s Day in America. This holiday is known for three leaf clovers, leprechauns, wearing green to avoid being pinched, consuming green drinks, Irish ale…AND the concept of “Blarney” which you’ll see as you read further relates to what to watch out for in the mold industry. “The modern celebration of St. Patrick’s Day really has almost nothing to do with the real man,” said classics professor Philip Freeman of Luther College in...
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Toxic, Schmoxic!

Sitting down and writing this article, I’m reminded of Roseanne Roseannadanna (aka Gilda Radner) from the TV show “Saturday Night Live” in the late 70’s. I think she would say something like “What’s all this talk about Toxic Mold?” – go on a rant, and then after hearing the explanation from someone that toxic mold wasn’t really a problem, would smile and curtly say, “Oh…never mind!” That’s the way I feel about the phra...
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Happy 9th Anniversary, Gold Health and Safety!

January is the anniversary of Gold Health and Safety Consulting, Inc.  This is my 9th year now, so I guess I really have staying power!  I started the company after moving to the South Bay from Westlake Village, getting a divorce from my 2nd wife, buying my townhouse on my own (a first for me), having to file in court to increase my custody time with my two sons from my first marriage, and then getting laid off.  Wild times!  At first, my intent was just to find something to do while I was...
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Happy Anniversary, Toxic Mold Act!

This January is the 12th anniversary since the effective date of California’s Toxic Mold Protection Act (SB 732), which was signed into law with much fanfare by Gray Davis during his ill-fated tenure as Governor.   The Act was supposed to set standards for airborne mold exposure, regulate the mold industry (who can do inspections, lab work, and remediation; insurance requirements for these folks; and look at things such as whether or not an inspector can also be a remediator), set disclosure...
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