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 Environmental Remediation Safety and SCAQMD Rule 1466 Compliance


Gold Health and Safety Consulting (“GHSC”) has extensive experience in providing and approving site Health and Safety Plans (HaSP) and Lead Compliance Plans to meet various agency requirements. 

We can provide industrial hygiene sampling for worker safety, for airborne lead and other toxins – as well as noise exposure – at your environmental remediation site.  We will work with your contractor and subcontracting team to help assure site and worker safety, and make sure agency monitoring requirements are met.

GHSC also can provide the monitoring required by SCAQMD Rule 1466 during excavation of contaminated soils.  Our SCAQMD Certified Dust Control Supervisors will monitor your site during excavation activities, provide real-time dust sampling, and complete all notifications and paperwork required by the SCAQMD for Rule 1466 compliance.

Contact us today to discuss your project and how we can help!