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Indoor Air Quality

Gold Health and Safety Consulting specializes in conducting mold and indoor air quality investigations.  We perform many building indoor air quality investigations each year. We have performed indoor air investigations in commercial office buildings, institutional buildings (hospitals, schools, government offices), restaurants, architectural firms, entertainment production facilities, residences, and more.

Our knowledgeable staff will identify problem areas and provide the most cost-effective solutions for indoor air quality complaints and “Sick Building Syndrome” problems.  We also perform evaluations to determine if buildings are meeting LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) criteria.


Because indoor air quality testing can be expensive, often we recommend conducting a “Phase I” survey first (testing is “Phase II”).  A Phase I survey involves visiting the site, learning of occupant concerns, and inspecting the premises, including the accessible portions of the Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system.  Often this requires the building occupant to coordinate with building management or facilities personnel.


While many of us wish that there was just one test that could tell us everything we wanted to know about indoor air, unfortunately testing indoor air is not that simple.  Clients have a variety of tests to choose from, which look for specific chemical contaminants, or a range of contaminants.  In addition, clients need to select how many locations are to be tested.  While the more data we gather the better investigation we can perform, economics can often enter into the decision making process.  However, generally we recommend sampling in at least three locations:

  • Complaint area
  • Non-complaint area (similar in other regards)
  • Outdoors background sample

 To learn more about the usual types of indoor air quality tests we conduct, click here.

 Once tests results are received, we compare them against indoor air quality standards from a variety of sources, including:

  •  American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)
  • Cal-OSHA
  • California Department of Health Services
  • Federal Environmental Protection Agency

 After comparing the results to these standards, clients have a variety of choices for receiving the data, including informal and formal written reports.

For a sample of a formal IAQ report, click here.