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Dave Gold, CIH CSP

Dave Gold has over forty years of experience in the environmental health and safety (“EHS”) field.  Dave has a BS from California State University, Northridge and a MS from the University of Southern California, both in the EHS field.  Dave is also a Certified Industrial Hygienist, a Certified Safety Professional, and a State of California Certified Lead Based Paint Inspector/Assessor/Project Designer.

Dave has extensive experience in developing and implementing safety programs at all sizes of companies, from Fortune 100 employers to small businesses.  He is an exceptionally experienced industrial hygienist and has conducted sampling for thousands of times for air contaminants and workplace noise. He has also provided Cal-OSHA compliance audits for many employers to improve their safety programs, and helped companies deal with Cal-OSHA citations, reducing fines and/or getting them completely vacated.

Dave also has extensive experience conducting literally thousands of mold investigations and indoor air quality investigations within buildings of most every type, both commercial and residential.  His clients have included homeowners, tenants, landlords, property managers, realtors, insurers, school districts, government agencies, health care facilities, attorneys, the entertainment industry, Fortune 500 firms….you name it.

Dave has provided expert witness testimony in mold and toxic exposure issues within Los Angeles, Orange, Ventura, Riverside, and Santa Barbara counties.  He’s also testified at the Worker’s Compensation Board of Appeals in employee toxic exposure claims cases.

Dave was an assistant professor at CSUN between 1991 and 1994, and has been a guest speaker for numerous civic groups, professional groups, and Universities.  Dave is active in several professional associations, and has served on the Board of Directors of local chapters of the American Industrial Hygiene Association, American Society of Safety Engineers, and the American Indoor Air Quality Council.

Dave has appeared on television and radio several times on the news, and as an expert witness on reality court TV shows.

In his spare time, Dave is the founder of Bicycle Angels, a non-profit organization that supports cyclists to raise money for charities.  He also plays the saxophone and performs with amateur community music groups in the South Bay region.


Click HERE for a copy of Dave Gold’s General CV.

Click HERE for a copy of Dave Gold’s Mold CV.

James Bateman, CSMI
Industrial Hygiene Technician

James has worked for Gold Health and Safety Consulting since November 2018.  James has a BS from California State University, Long Beach, in Biology.  He is a Certified Structural Mold Investigator and also licensed by the State of California as a Lead Based Paint sampler.  

In his spare time, James enjoys skiing, surfing, and spending time with family and his doggie, Heisenburg.


Watch the American Board of Industrial Hygiene’s “What is a CIH?” video to learn more about Certified Industrial Hygienists and what they do.