Whole Lot o’ Shaking Going On

Recent Earthquakes near LA and Southern California

LA and Southern California has recently had: (magnitude 1.5 or greater)

  • 7 earthquakes in one day
  • 67 earthquakes in the previous week
  • 429 earthquakes in the previous month
  • 3,125 earthquakes last year

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock (hopefully not a damaged one), you know that in the past few weeks, we’ve had some small earthquakes shaking going on in the L.A. basin. It’s a not-so-subtle reminder that we live in earthquake country.

Earthquakes with less than magnitude 5.5 don’t usually cause significant damage or casualties, although results vary by region, per geophysicist Paul Caruso. He adds that damage often depends on construction codes and types of rock that exist underground. (Source: CNN)

We’re been reminded that that a major tremor will happen in our future. That’s not changed.

FACT: Our vigilance tends to slip over the years.

How recently has it been since you’ve updated your preparations an earthquake or other major disaster?

I’ve attached some helpful information from the American Red Cross about earthquake preparedness and what you can do to be ready when the “big one” hits.

Open the link below for the checklist; print it out and review it with your family. Feel free to forward this link to the important people in your life.

CLICK: Earthquake Checklist

If you have any tips of your own, or care to share about an earthquake shaking going on you’ve experienced, please post it for others to read below…

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